Hype me up!


8:28 AM Hurting myself again...

All I want is honesty…
Why do people always tend to take advantage those who have a good heart? Why is hard for people to just love back and be thankful they have somebody to love? Is it really hard to be faithful to the person you love?
I still have a lot of questions in my head but these three are my top questions for this moment. I never meant to have a drama around this time in the morning. But this is the only thing that I know that always keeps me sane. I may be one of the very few people who still believe that there is really somebody there who is still worth loving and trusting. I almost gave up but when my current lover came, I told myself to still give it a try. But not until finding out that what I believe in is really not the truth of things. I’m in a point where I question myself, why do I need to still make sense of something that is already crystal clear. Does this mean that I’m on my way to looneyville? I guess not. I just have a little spark of hope that I am still going to be happy. I sure want to answer the three questions that I have, but I guess I need your help in reviving myself from believing that happiness nowadays is but mere fairytale.
No more exceptions for me. Lying and cheating is but essential, LOVE…will just be a dream.
